Friday, August 10, 2007

Che Guevara: Corporate Whore Icon

That last post of mine was damn preachy. As such, I'll keep this short and sweet....I'm sure the horror will wash over you all the same.
If you don't know who Che Guevara is don't be too embarrassed. I didn't know his story though I had seen his face on lots of t-shirts worn by hippies and weird "politico" college friends. Of course, you can buy a t-shirt with his face on it at Hot Topic or even Walmart if your timing is right. If you know anything about Che, you already know he's got to be rolling around in his grave. This is only when you think about the corporations cashing in on the guys image. I'm not saying it's bad to have him on a t-shirt. I'm just saying it's weird that a person my age only knows him as that "T-shirt hippy guy".
Before I get preachy again, why do I bring this up? Because of what I found at the corner store yesterday:
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Che Energy? "Taste the Revolution of Energy?" Sweet Jesus.
Thank you Austria. Check out their site:

Oh and if you actually check out the site, take a look at the ingredients. One of them is listed as "flavour". Not a specific flavour, but PURE flavour. Spooky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Flavour of the people's revolution?

8:13 AM  
Blogger Adam Holwerda said...

Che kind of looks like a gorilla if you squint. But you have to be naked for it to work. Properly.

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about all he deserved really.

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

che is a sack of shit murderer, god damn doesnt ANYONE know that??
i love those old ww2 racist cartoons, they are damn funny

9:37 PM  

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