Thursday, January 25, 2007

Updates about Updates are totally useless...

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Just a quick words as a few mostly useless things got added to the site.
1. There's now a welcome page where I poorly explain what the Hell Head Injury Theater is.
2. There's now a tiny bit of text that links to an update page that tells you about something you'll never be able to figure out without going to the page in question.
3. To complete the "talking about myself" trilogy, I updated the "About Jared" page to include both good and FREAKING TERRIBLE things people have said about me over the past two years. I've been saving both the good and the bad, apparently.

The only quote that didn't make it on the page for the sake of decency was
"Getting Raped in Prison is funnier than Head Injury Theater." So funny and so very horrible.
"who is finished with the whole "talking about himself" thing, at least for a while.


Blogger Adam Holwerda said...

ok. now link to my comic. so i can get famous so you can interview me so i can interview you. c'mon, stick to the plan.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Jared said...

Wait, which plan is this? Is it the one about the mind-control squid or is this just the one where I end up with a Swedish Maid with loose morals?
I'm cool with both, but I don't want to the confuse the two.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Michael Bains said...

I once had a Swedish Squid with Loose Morals. While that was much more fun than Prison Rape (or so I'd have to imagine) it wasn't nearly as cool as Head Injury Theatre.

Do ya s'pose that quoted bloke was speaking from first-hand experience or, as is my guess, simply had no clue of what he spoke?

Good stuff, as always!

6:30 AM  
Blogger Scarecrobot said...

You should review more operas! That would be nifty... Otherwise, I like the updates and new art!

9:52 AM  

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