Halloween Sidestep
I'm in the middle of painting what feels like a bajillion paintings based off the costumes you people have sent me....so I thought I'd bring up something totally different on the Blog.
Due to the interests in the D&D Article I did about 8 months ago (http://www.headinjurytheater.com/article73.htm) I got the entire run of Dragon Magazine and decided to skim through it for more moronic monsters. I found Death Pillows and Deadly Linens in the first one I opened, so trust me when I say it's going well. I also found an article on how Orgies and Prostitution fits into a D&D campaign. Since this article was written in the 1970's you'll find it to be...interestingly full of social acceptance of mass orgies. And somehow this idea combines with D&D to create some sort of Naked-Mom-dressed-up-as-Megaman-with-a-whip-and-a-phallic-puppet-
chasing-after-you-style nightmare that cannot be evaded.
And still, I find more. Can you tell what the theme of this image is?

If you said "Magical Groin Injuries" you are most certainly correct.
PS: I went as an Evil Brain for Halloween this year. And I glowed. Pictures up soon.
Due to the interests in the D&D Article I did about 8 months ago (http://www.headinjurytheater.com/article73.htm) I got the entire run of Dragon Magazine and decided to skim through it for more moronic monsters. I found Death Pillows and Deadly Linens in the first one I opened, so trust me when I say it's going well. I also found an article on how Orgies and Prostitution fits into a D&D campaign. Since this article was written in the 1970's you'll find it to be...interestingly full of social acceptance of mass orgies. And somehow this idea combines with D&D to create some sort of Naked-Mom-dressed-up-as-Megaman-with-a-whip-and-a-phallic-puppet-
chasing-after-you-style nightmare that cannot be evaded.
And still, I find more. Can you tell what the theme of this image is?

If you said "Magical Groin Injuries" you are most certainly correct.
PS: I went as an Evil Brain for Halloween this year. And I glowed. Pictures up soon.