Two Random bits I feel best left for the Blog:
First off, I totally forgot to tell you about how to buy a painting of me in the nude. Seriously, Moovok, this groovy guy who has gotten me to paint some weird stuff from time to time, got a bunch of webcomic folks together and convinced/tricked/seduced them into painting themselves naked. My picture also includes Santa Klaus. While he's not naked, that still counts for something. Check it out here, if you're curious and like me buy calendars way too late:
Tastefully Done, 2008 Calendar!Secondly, I haven't forgotten about Miniature Mayhem. I still own the URL but haven't been organized enough to upload the game or anything. I'm back at it, which also means I keep track of other miniature games out there. D&D just released their 4th edition miniature rules and, while I know only two of you out there care, I noticed something....bizarre about the manual. Apparently the premiere "normal" piece of the miniature game likes to....well, let's see if you can figure out what's wrong with this picture:

If you said "Holy crap he straps his sword to his genitalia" you are correct. While I know that sword = penis symbolism is a major part of the fantasy genre, I sort of assumed that Wizards of the Coast would at least not make it so freaking OBVIOUS. Also note how it takes him too hands to grip the handle of his mighty sword. Not a euphemism, but sweet GOD it should be. Seriously, at what point in history did we holster our swords in our groin. How the hell does he walk....ok I'm done. It hurts too much to continue.
Edit: The Black Sheep Review is finally up! I'm still not happy with it as the final product didn't end up being as funny as I thought it would be, but the fact that apparently a LOT of people wanted to see this movie on the site means, well, I have a duty to perform. Enjoy.
Click here for Sheeple.