Holy crap...new articles. And out when expected. The hell?
Part 2 of D&D Stupid Monsters and
4th Edition: A Noobian GuideBy the by, there was one book I found that I just couldn't bring myself to add to the list. It's not official...though it is written by a long-time writer of Dungeons & Dragons. If you don't know about this, you really should. It's....special.

You can find it on Amazon and, well, if you know someone who's seriously in D&D....get it for them as a birthday present. It'll melt their head. Don't believe me? Check out this spell:

Wow. Not the reference to birth control magic as well. Oh and they have monsters in the book too! Well, sort of.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a Pleasure Golem.

Made of wax and "very fresh human flesh" because if it was rotting human flesh that would be gross, these golems are for sex. Which is pretty much what wizards would do if they could create mindless slaves but still the hell! Also know that this book is the 1st D&D book I've seen that has photographs instead of illustrations. The photographic manipulation is pretty good and I have to admit the pictures are usually pretty awesome. It's only when you realize that you're not reading an issue of Propaganda magazine and instead are reading an adventurer's guide to sex magic via rolling dice. I also had a picture of a woman infected by an "infestation" spell, which literally teleports ticks and spiders into the crotch of someone you dislike. The picture, while not explicit, just seems too horrible to share. Your imagination is probably better than the real thing anyway. Well, maybe.
One last thing: The book also has special Character Classes, such as the Sacred Virgin.
Barbarian: Welcome to the party. What is it that you do?
Sacred Virgin: Only once, really.
Rogue: Erotic Sneak Attack.
Sacred Deflowered Virgin: Ah crapsticks.
The book is for Mature Adults only...and I just don't qualify. The book creeps me out because I just don't know who would actually play with these rules. My theory was the book was written for comedic value...but too much work went into it. Professional photography, real D&D Writers...it boggles the mind.
Hope you guys enjoyed the walk down Geek Lane this week...things are kind of getting back to normal. Thankfully.
Now playing:
Lords of Acid - I Must Increase My Bustvia FoxyTunes