Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day (Or, "Suck it, Breeders!"

Just an aside.

For those who've followed the site for years, you probably already know about that old section where I review pornographic movies. That little crappy section has earn me press passes to Erotic Trade Expos (where I was able to see the latest in Stripping Technology) and to meet the infamous Molly Luft (look it up if you really, really hate living). The section has been long overdue for an update and with today's holiday I figured I'd give a sneak peek of the title screen.


Yes, someone made a porno about the Octomom called Coctomom. I don't want to ruin the plot, but it features an ex-husband, a fertility doctor, and a giant beer cooler filled with sperm.
Oh man, now I know why I kept putting off reviewing these things.


Blogger Dr Neo Lao said...


Urgh, let me guess - the lady that had octuplets? I can almost see the plot in my head - and none of it what I'd call "erotic" or even "arousing".

Still, thank you Jared for taking one for the team and reviewing it for us. It's the brave people like you that make living bearable for the rest of us!

Also, its great to see you up and about (on the interwebz). I'm glad you haven't been tempted by the Light Side and gone outside and talking to real people.

Uh ... actually, that sounds a bit creepy. Don't read the preceding paragraph...

4:24 AM  
Blogger Hawk said...

The vagina is not a clown car...

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Heartsalive said...

Hey I noticed your artwork on Spoonyone's page and I wonder if you two are friends?
Anyway, have you seen the Thatguywiththeglasses vs AVGN final brawl?

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to heartsalive: yeah he painted that fo him

anyway jared a good movie ou should review is birth of a nation

7:30 PM  

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