Digg.com or, How I learned to Love the F-Bomb
There's a reason I don't go into detail about what the hell is going on in my personal life. While the internet is filled with all sorts of people, the a-holes are always the one that somehow float to the top (no offense). I always save the very best insults (see my "About" page for instance) but a friend pointed out that Digg.com picked up on my "Alphabet of Excuses" last August. I kind of regretted putting it up at the time but I figured what the hell. It might not be my best work (seriously I did the whole thing in like an hour) but it's not like there's a group of people who are going to tear me a new orifice for it, right?
Wrong. Read the comments....they're amazing. And by Amazing I mean....God I don't know what I mean. Nothing is more humbling than reading hundreds of strangers telling you how much you suck. In response I was going to put together an Alphabet using only insults used by Digg.com users. Funnily enough I was able to fill out the entire thing minus a Q, a V, and an X. Then I realized that putting that much energy into insults isn't the healthiest of things and, knowing my luck, THAT alphabet would get hit by Digg and then the retalitory insults would begin. That's almost appealing but....yeah. I'm so very glad I got over the hatemail thing years ago.
The Almost-Alphabet of Digg.com Hate:
A is for Annoying Whiny Art Kids
B is for B-Side by Ralph Steadman, who I rip off.
C is for Confused
D is for Don Hertzfeld, who I also rip off.
E is for Edward Gorey, who I ALSO rip off.
F is for Failure at Life and Art
G is for Gerald Scarfe who I OMG ALSO RIP OFF
H is for Holy WTF
I is for Not Interesting or Good
J is for "Jared has AIDS"
K is for KKK
L is for Lame
M is for Mirror Site, this one sucks
N is for Narcissistic
O is for OMG
P is for Psychiatrist, get one Dude!
Q is for Quite a Lot of Hate
R is for Retarded Popular People
S is for Salad Fingers WHO I RIP OFF DEAR GOD
T is for Tab, Which I Closed After C
U is for Unfunny Emo F$#k
V is for Jhonen Vasquez, who I ALSO RIP OFF OMG THE HELL
W is for Weak
X is for XXX Porn links?
Y is for You just don't get it, do you?
Z is for zombwtf
Check it out by clicking HERE. Seriously.
(OH and before I was convinced to NOT work on the Alphabet I actually got started. Enjoy the Alphabet that will not be:

...and there you go. If any of you plan on putting yourself out there, just remember that no one likes you even if lots of people do.
Oh no, I'm Emo again!
"most unoriginal man alive"
Wrong. Read the comments....they're amazing. And by Amazing I mean....God I don't know what I mean. Nothing is more humbling than reading hundreds of strangers telling you how much you suck. In response I was going to put together an Alphabet using only insults used by Digg.com users. Funnily enough I was able to fill out the entire thing minus a Q, a V, and an X. Then I realized that putting that much energy into insults isn't the healthiest of things and, knowing my luck, THAT alphabet would get hit by Digg and then the retalitory insults would begin. That's almost appealing but....yeah. I'm so very glad I got over the hatemail thing years ago.
The Almost-Alphabet of Digg.com Hate:
A is for Annoying Whiny Art Kids
B is for B-Side by Ralph Steadman, who I rip off.
C is for Confused
D is for Don Hertzfeld, who I also rip off.
E is for Edward Gorey, who I ALSO rip off.
F is for Failure at Life and Art
G is for Gerald Scarfe who I OMG ALSO RIP OFF
H is for Holy WTF
I is for Not Interesting or Good
J is for "Jared has AIDS"
K is for KKK
L is for Lame
M is for Mirror Site, this one sucks
N is for Narcissistic
O is for OMG
P is for Psychiatrist, get one Dude!
Q is for Quite a Lot of Hate
R is for Retarded Popular People
S is for Salad Fingers WHO I RIP OFF DEAR GOD
T is for Tab, Which I Closed After C
U is for Unfunny Emo F$#k
V is for Jhonen Vasquez, who I ALSO RIP OFF OMG THE HELL
W is for Weak
X is for XXX Porn links?
Y is for You just don't get it, do you?
Z is for zombwtf
Check it out by clicking HERE. Seriously.
(OH and before I was convinced to NOT work on the Alphabet I actually got started. Enjoy the Alphabet that will not be:

...and there you go. If any of you plan on putting yourself out there, just remember that no one likes you even if lots of people do.
Oh no, I'm Emo again!
"most unoriginal man alive"