Monday, January 09, 2006

Isketch Time! and German Beer Advertisement

First thing:
I'm going to officially be getting onto at Midnight this Wednesday. That means 6pm eastern American time. I'll be on there a WHILE because even if I'm alone it's good practice for my damn Wacom tablet. So if any of you see a user-created room entitled "Head Injury Theater", I'll be there. If it goes well (at least one person shows up), I plan on doing this regularly because Isketch melts my butter, pushes my buttons, or some other expression that means I enjoy it to an almost sexual degree.
Also be warned: My Isketch drawing has been described as "broken." You were warned.
Second thing:
While I was on vacation in Schladming I saw the following beer advertisement:
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It's not that weird until you realize it's beer endorsement from a High School Girl's Football team. When you can drink booze when you're 16, I guess stuff like this makes sense. Neat, right?


Blogger Collin said...

So that would be around 4pm Mountain, if I'm not being "time stoopid". I'll try to be on at some point that night and I'll look for you then.

Nothing like a bunch of drunk female high school football players to give the game a bit more authenticity.

3:58 PM  

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