Giant Squid Drama....
Quote: Dr. O’shea: "From the point of view of the public, who believe this squid is the largest, the meanest, most aggressive squid that we have - it is hugely significant."
Holy crap. Take a good look at that. “From the point of view of the public, who believes ALL THIS TOTALLY WRONG STUFF, it is important.” So while Steve isn’t saying the footage isn’t important, he’s just saying that it’s SEEN as important by the stupid blind masses. Sad truth is he’s kind of right. Giant squid have been “proven” to exist for a while now and the mere fact that someone has video footage doesn’t really “reprove” that. Now, if the squid had been wearing a tuxedo and carrying a meatball sub…THAT would have been ground-shaking. Turns out that is indeed footage of a giant squid. Still, it’s kind of shitty to call a discovery unimportant and say it backwards so you don’t look like a total dick. Methinks there may be some politics in the cutthroat cephalopod-expert world...otherwise he'd just say it's not a big deal.
Quote: Dr. O’shea: “Our reaction is one of tremendous relief that the so-called … race (to film the giant squid) is over ... because the animal has consumed the last eight or nine years of my life.”
In my mind, all the words the reporter edited out there (…) were curse words. So Dr. O’shea says there was a race to photograph it and that there wasn’t a race to photograph it? Maybe the whole thing isn't a big deal but at the same time a lot of people have invested millions of dollars into getting the footage. He does conclusively state that he’s been consumed with catching one for the past decade. That’s got to be intense and kind of sad at this moment. On a similar note, Dr. O’shea also mentions in the same interview that he captured 17 juvenile giant squid back in 2000 but they all died in captivity. Is it just me or is that a) slightly off topic and b) so much cooler than just having video footage of a giant squid? Hell, Steve’s plan is to capture more babies and grow them in captivity. All I can say is that: “From the point of view of the public, who believe giant squids totally kick ass – it is truly awesome.”
So Dr. O’shea MAY be really pissed as some Japanese researchers and he MAY be growing giant squid in captivity in the near future. I don’t know. It’s still funny to think about:

The worst part is Dr. O’shea’s email address is pretty easy to find online. I WAS going to email him a copy until I took a closer look at his comments and, well, yeah…he kind of comes across as potentially a dick. Potentially. Who knows? It might be because he's being misquoted. It might be that he's bitter/upset about the whole thing. Maybe I will send the thing his way. And then I'll get sued. Or candy. We'll see.
By the way, if you really didn't believe in Giant Squid, then you might want to know that they're common enough that drug lords in Peru use their corpses to smuggle cocaine into Mexico and America. I’m not joking…
Check it out:
Also in fairness to Dr. O’shea, here are the two articles I took the quotes from. Read it and decide for yourself. Personally, I think the quotes HAVE to be out of context. Then again, that “from the view of the public” line was almost insulting.
Oh and because I got on a “giant squid” painting kick, here’s another I doodle today:
