While later today I should be talking more about the Art Crash that's happening this week, I wanted to share on tiny thing out there for the handful of geeky gothic dice-rollers out there.

Someone from New York emailed me about a contest that White Wolf is having. If you haven't played Vampire the Masquerade (or Requiem, or Whatever), then by all means ignore this blog post. For the rest of you, let me sadly admit that I played the game quite a bit...typically in a live-action format in a few nightclubs and later in the student wing of the East Campus at SUNY Bing. Fine, I played and ran the game a LOT. While I'm sure I'll get into how geeky I am/used to be eventually on the site, for now just let me say that I used to run a live-action game that was severely messed up and ended up having a player base of 150 (with about some 30-50 actually showing up every week). Hell, we even had a budget as the school considered us a theatrical troupe...horrifically fun and very, very wrong. When Hilary Clinton came to campus, her security team was terrified to find out that two floors above her was a gaggle of people dressed in black hanging chains and black lights all over the place. Good times. Point is someone out there still remembers me being a twisted man when it comes to vampiric geekiness and wanted to tell me about a contest White Wolf is having right now. While I know I might actually throw something in its general direction, I KNOW there are people reading this site that would give their eye teeth just to have "the vampire people" read their self-created madness. So, if you want to design a secret race of vampires and trick White Wolf into putting them into a book, check out this contest.
Enjoy, my fellow gravers, romantics, and kindergoths.