Monday, September 24, 2007

Eyeskream Swap Day?

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Man, I really don't know where I fit into the webcomic collective Eyeskream. I think I'm the affirmative action guy who likes coming to the meetings but whose drinking habit makes him forget everything that was decided the second he steps outside. 12 steps indeed. That said, we're having a bit of a contest. Whether you want art from me or one of the other guys, it's a pretty fun thing. And it forces you to read other Eyeskream Comics. Which OBEY you really OBEY should OBEY do. You can find all the information here:


The short of it: Someone mysterious but cool did some guest stuff for me and I did the same for someone else. If you want to see me tackling someone else's material, happy hunting.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Figaro, my big distraction.

The Berlin International Opera's production of Figaro has it taking place in an artist's commune. Not really, but that's the concept of the prodution. In it, Figaro is a painter. The cool thing is that all the art in the production is my own. So, I'm the "secret" Figaro behind the scenes. It's kind of rad. The downside is that I had to paint the same thing 7 times so the singers could destroy the "same" painting once per show. It breaks my heart. The upside? A big advertisement featuring my art in one of the big newspapers here in Berlin.
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And when people come to the Opera? My Art. Everywhere. Definitely cool.

Edit: Oh, and Voodoo Macbeth Teaser Art got slapped onto the program. As much Opera-related hell my flat is going through at the moment, I'm definitely looking forward to the next production. I'll keep you guys posted.
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Edit Edit:
To answer your question, when you send me an image of your Halloween costume, any file format is totally kosher. I've already received some great costume pics....including the sequel to the "Cat dressed up as a chicken." It's entertaining, up until P.E.T.A. gets involved.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

While I'm on the topic...

I find it hilarious that the week that I start working on revamping the site design/navigation is the same week that like a bajillion D&D fans start visiting and make the site implode.

Oh and if you have Halloween costumes that you'd like to see in this year's Halloween Special, feel free to start sending them. I'll be taking them up until the first week of November.
Not sure what I'm talking about? Check this out:

October, the golden month, is soon upon us.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Website Navigation Doom

Hey kids and old people (that covers most everyone I think). Just wanted to let you know that I'm working on re-doing my navigation, most specifically the comic section this week and, if you know your stuff, would love to hear some suggestions.

I will NOT be using the "one comic per page" set up because since I don't do banner ads, there's no reason for you guys to have to reload the page for each and every comic. Of course there are fancy flash options, but lord knows I'm tech-stupid and retarded busy these days. But I DO need to make it better. Sort of like how the "Strange Art" page was originally just a big pile of thumbnails. Now it's a "only sort of" big pile of thumbnails.

So, yes. Now is when you complain about my piss-poor site design. Because I'm planning on getting it sorted in time for know, the month where I do all sorts of craziness in celebration of Halloween. Which, of course, I'll be doing again. Send me your costume pictures now if you haven't already.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Illustration Friday: Sell Your Soul

This week's theme (which ends in like 16 hours or so) was Momentum. I put some thought into this and for some reason this came about:
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That's a little small so you can see it in the blog, but you can find the "real" version here:
Hi, I'm a real painting.

Me and my friends talk about selling our souls way, way, WAY too much than any healthy person should. I almost don't want to go into it too much but really think about it. We can't dedicate our lives to anything larger than ourselves without regret because of what we know. Our cynicism might just be our being left open too long. Poetry aside, we know that everything is at least a little corrupt. Political parties, religions, animal rights organizations....and me and my friends all sort of agree it would be liberating for an evil organization to just come out and say "Join us, we're evil!" I'm not articulating that very well but at least one of you have to be on the right wavelength to translate that.

By the way, October is coming up and I'm planning on doing my annual craziness. Sorry there's been no articles this past month but I've been buried in Opera job with the Berlin International Opera has be painting lots of stuff...including 7 paintings of the Count character. This wouldn't be so bad but I'm also having to couch someone on how to DESTROY THEM ON STAGE. Yes, in the opera the paintings get destroyed during each performance. I'm trying to teach them how to destroy it so we can still sell them later or so they at least still look cool on a wall.
Man, that's going to look weird on my resume.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Marvel Alphabet of Lame

Not my best alphabet, but it made for a fun Monday afternoon.
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Since this fits well with Illustration Friday's theme this week, here's the first entry:
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And no, I didn't make that up.
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I did the whole alphabet based on the joy that is The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe. I may not be the best geek around, but I do know suck when I see it.
See the entire alphabet of lame Marvel Comics characters by clicking HERE.