Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Madness continues...

I've been working like a madman this past week. The sad thing is that I can't talk too much about what I've been working on just yet. Suffice to say what I thought would be a quick project has mutated into something that eats my time like sweet, sweet candy. The following picture is part of it, but, well, I'll explain later.
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Oh and while I hate the whole "Hey guys, I apologize for not updating thing" that all websites pull from time to time, I still have to follow the trend in regards to this month's significant lack of movie reviews. Expect a deluge soon, particularly if you've figured out the secret organizational system that stores reviews for future weeks. That said come back later tomorrow for a review of a film where Gary Busey plays an evil killer gingerbread man. It's very special.
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Oh yeah, it's called The GingerDEAD Man. When a title makes you cringe, that's never a good sign.
Edit: Oh and if you like the "Pornographic Nightmare Fuel" section of the site, now's the time to bookmark it. When my current project launches I'm going to have to remove all direct links to that particular page. I won't delete it or anything, I just plan on making it very hard to stumble across. Pornographic trivia fiends out there: You were warned.


Blogger Collin said...

Please tell me you didn't sell your soul to the company store...

8:11 AM  
Blogger Lierne said...

. . . Or to kids. (If you do a coloring book without me I will cry).

7:37 PM  
Blogger Jared said...

Never fear. I've no soul to sell.

12:00 AM  

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