A new article? Blasphemy (and only a Hint)
A new article was thought up today and, well, after almost 6 months of hiatus, I return to posting far too detailed reviews of things that some folks think are pretty funny. While I don't want to ruin the surprise, here's a hint:

Subtle, right? Here's hoping Hasbro doesn't sue.
Hell, every time I update I'm praying someone doesn't sue.
Thanks again for all the support guys and girls. You've been awesome and, well, it's good to be back.
A lot of people have written to me asking if I can put my D&D Monsters on T-shirts or something. It's a good idea and, hell, I like swag. I'm holding off on it for a few reasons:
1. I don't know the legal aspect of doing that.
2. Cafe Press sucks and I've yet to find a better printer that does drop shipping. If I didn't live in Berlin I could handle it myself but as is...there's no "good" option at present.
3. I'm actually chatting with some D&D folks about creative projects...and I'm excited about that. This is similar to #1 above, but even if it is legal I don't want a dick move like "because I can" to burn any bridge.
I did a bit more research into my article (while writing) and it turns out the above Hint is very, very wrong. I thought I was being clever but I was being, well, retarded. Fun trivia with the history of action figures with gimmicky features will be up on the site soon and all will be explained!
(You might also notice the "coming soon" bits on the Entertainment page. It's true, but I think they'll be up after I throw out a quickie review of something...special.)
Edit 3: The article is up. Enjoy!
Attacktix: The only game where you stuff balls into Jabba's Mouth.

Subtle, right? Here's hoping Hasbro doesn't sue.
Hell, every time I update I'm praying someone doesn't sue.
Thanks again for all the support guys and girls. You've been awesome and, well, it's good to be back.
A lot of people have written to me asking if I can put my D&D Monsters on T-shirts or something. It's a good idea and, hell, I like swag. I'm holding off on it for a few reasons:
1. I don't know the legal aspect of doing that.
2. Cafe Press sucks and I've yet to find a better printer that does drop shipping. If I didn't live in Berlin I could handle it myself but as is...there's no "good" option at present.
3. I'm actually chatting with some D&D folks about creative projects...and I'm excited about that. This is similar to #1 above, but even if it is legal I don't want a dick move like "because I can" to burn any bridge.
I did a bit more research into my article (while writing) and it turns out the above Hint is very, very wrong. I thought I was being clever but I was being, well, retarded. Fun trivia with the history of action figures with gimmicky features will be up on the site soon and all will be explained!
(You might also notice the "coming soon" bits on the Entertainment page. It's true, but I think they'll be up after I throw out a quickie review of something...special.)
Edit 3: The article is up. Enjoy!
Attacktix: The only game where you stuff balls into Jabba's Mouth.